Worktribe Outputs & Repository

Working with universities, we’ve developed a research management product specifically to help universities efficiently manage and showcase research outputs.
Harvest, record and store outputs.
Develop and manage a searchable collection of all research outputs across your institution.
Ensure output information is accurate and comprehensive with clear workflows and approval paths.
Automatically harvest outputs and metadata from external sources including Crossref, ORCiD, arXiv, Scopus, Web of Science, Publications Router or via identifiers including DOI.
Deposit multiple versions of your output files including Version of Record and Authors Accepted Manuscript.
Upload journal articles or other outputs and associated metadata with BibTeX and RIS files.
Automatically identify and match listed authors with profiles already in the system.
Manage details of journals, publishers, copyright and licences.
Showcase your research.
Make research discoverable and ensure Open Access compliance.
Integrate Worktribe with your website to display outputs or choose the integrated, public-facing Worktribe Repository.
Librarians can review and approve all outputs, curating the metadata including Open Access requirements.
Monitor and manage Open Access compliance for REF purposes, or enhanced submission via Worktribe REF.
Produce Researchfish exports to report research outcomes to key funders.
Worktribe Repository.
Benefit from a fully-integrated, public-facing repository with a user-friendly interface.
Ensure Open Access compliance with a searchable, filterable library of all research outputs.
Monitor metrics including page views and downloads.
Register your repository with OpenDOAR, OpenAIRE, CORE Dashboard and Google Scholar.
Report usage statistics to SCONUL or share with IRUS via an in-built integration.
Showcase academic profiles including outputs, impact, recognition, projects, news and events (where the relevant Worktribe products are live).
When we first signed up to Worktribe, one of our requirements was to have one system for researchers in the university to use. This was to improve efficiency and make it easy for academics as end user, but also as the university to maintain and manage.
– Lindsay Ramage, Head of Research Governance, Napier University Edinburgh
All research management products | Opportunities | Pre-Award | Due Diligence | Ethics | Contracts | Post-Award | Outputs | Profiles | Impact | REF